Twin Oaks Blog

From the Eagle’s Nest – December ’21/January ’22

By: Julie Cordray, Head of School

Greetings, Twin Oaks family! Some of you have been enjoying celebrating with friends and family, while for others of you tile holidays have been hard. Whether your hearts have been light or heavy this Christmas season (or somewhere in between), what a comfort it is to rejoice in the gift of Jesus Christ and the hope He brings to this new year.

What a joy it has been to watch the Lord bless and grow Twin Oaks Christian School this past semester. Here are some ways we’ve been working to fulfill our mission to glorify God by nurturing spiritual development, academic excellence, and servant leadership in an environment where each student is known and loved –

Spiritual Development:

  • Morning devotions and prayer that set the tone for the rest of the day as well as weekly chapels that allow us to worship together as a community
  • Crew Groups, representing grades K-8, that meet monthly to participate in a Bible lesson, to pray together, and to fellowship with other students outside of their own class
  • Subjects taught from a biblical worldview, giving students a way to look at what their learning through the lens of scripture

Academic Excellence:

  • Opportunities to use critical thinking skills, the tools for lifelong learning
  • Encouragement to develop a growth mindset that allows student to work through challenges with perseverance and resilience and to view failure as an opportunity for growth
  • Refining of curriculum and teacher professional development to provide rigorous and meaningful learning experiences

Continue reading “From the Eagle’s Nest – December ’21/January ’22”

Celebration 49 Fundraising Dinner Reconnects Community

By: Rachel Stain, Director of Admissions & Advancement

On Thursday, November 11, over 100 of our friends and supporters gathered for our annual fundraising dinner at the National Museum of Transportation.  Surrounded by a variety of classic automobiles and holiday decorations, members of our community enjoyed to opportunity to gather in-person to celebrate Twin Oaks Christian School once again.


From the Eagle’s Nest – November Newsletter

By: Julie Cordray, Head of School

Do you watch HGTV? I don’t get to watch very often, but I especially love the home decorating and cooking shows. It’s amazing to me how some people can take a can of paint, some thrift store finds and well-placed accessories, and turn them into a beautiful living space. Any Great British Baking Show fans out there? The skill and precision those “amateur” bakers use to create something that looks like art and tastes like “amazing” is high entertainment in my book. There’s something about watching people do what they do best that’s satisfying.

Continue reading “From the Eagle’s Nest – November Newsletter”

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