Twin Oaks Blog

From the Eagle’s Nest – Quarter 2 (2024)

I’ve been thinking a lot about seasons and how each one, whether literal or figurative, brings its own unique blessings and challenges.  We felt that recently with the unexpected snow days.  Whether you viewed that as a blessing or a challenge probably depended on whether you were a parent or student!  Just as we all have our favorite season of the year, we also have our favorite seasons of life.  The season you’re experiencing right now may be incredible!  Or you may just be persevering through, eager for it to pass.  But the beautiful thing about seasons is that we can rest in the assurance that they are all part of God’s loving plan.

Recently we had a chance to share how God has been working in this season of life at Twin Oaks Christian School through our Annual Report Presentation.  Whether you’ve had a chance to listen or not, I want to highlight for you the season of abundance and growth that we’re experiencing as a result of our partnership together and God’s faithfulness to us.  The wins we share are meant to bring glory to Him, for He is the source of all our success!

Programmatic Distinction

Our students are continuing to benefit from our commitment to provide engaging learning activities that capture their interest and require them to use creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking.  Check out these examples:

  • We are proud to announce that we have become a certified Project Lead the Way (PLTW) school!  PLTW empowers students across the U.S. to reach their full potential by equipping them with the essential real-world knowledge and skills needed for success beyond the classroom.  
    • Recently, our 6th grade students collaborated to design a boot aimed at helping individuals with cerebral palsy walk with increased stability. They applied their skills in science, math, and technology to plan, create, and test the boots, assessing their effectiveness in real-world scenarios. This hands-on experience not only enhances their learning but also fosters critical thinking and problem-solving abilities crucial for future success.
  • The Electric Eagles Robotics Team secured 1st place overall among more than 30 teams at this year’s competition at MICDS. This achievement highlights the remarkable growth of our program since its inception just three years ago.
  • We have begun planning to update our existing science lab to make it a more functional, versatile learning space for all of our students.  Enhancements such as new furniture and flooring, equipment and supplies will allow us to make the most of our new science curriculum, designed to offer hands-on learning opportunities.

Academic Distinction

  • The curriculum committee has been hard at work reviewing math curriculum to adopt for the 2025-2026 school year.  Each year a different subject area undergoes a rigorous review process to ensure our students are supported by the very best instructional materials.  We look forward to providing an update once a decision has been made.
  • We are now in our second year of implementing ERB standardized tests, which have greatly enhanced our ability to know and love our students. This detailed data allows teachers to assess knowledge retention and learning progress. As a result, they are refining their lesson plans and prioritizing learning objectives based on insights gained from the ERB assessments.
  • We’ve surveyed the high schools attended by our 8th grade graduates and received excellent feedback about the preparation they received at Twin Oaks.  Not only are our students academically prepared for high school, but have been spiritually nurtured as well.  Enjoy this quote from a high school teacher familiar with Twin Oaks graduates:  “I love the way Twin Oaks follows up and is always striving to improve. I have been encouraged by Twin Oaks graduates on campus and have taught some of your older graduates. They are biblically literate: understanding the storyline of Scripture, application of the text, and general knowledge of the Bible. I have had many graduates serve on my leadership teams, and they do a great job seeing a need and filling it. This is very encouraging and helpful as we dive into deeper concepts of biblical truth. Many students coming in from public school do not have this helpful foundation. I can tell they have been well instructed as well as taught to take ownership of their faith and serve others as they live out the gospel. Thank you for your instruction and discipleship of these students. Keep doing it!!!!”

Institutional Viability

Just what does “institutional viability” mean?  It refers to the ability of the school to sustain itself long-term, ensuring that it continues to fulfill its mission to provide a high quality, Christ-centered education for generations to come.

  • Students are not the only ones learning at Twin Oaks Christian School!  This year, teachers and leaders have participated in over 250 hours of professional development related to assessment, instruction, culture-building, time management, curriculum alignment, and more.  Our goal is to be a community of continuous improvement and growth.
  • For over a year, we have diligently developed a plan to enhance our capacity for growth, benefiting our students while honoring the Lord. By God’s grace, we successfully achieved our year-end giving goal of $315,000. This accomplishment enables us to pursue our objectives without fully transferring costs to parents.
  • The quality of classroom teachers is the most significant predictor of student success. To attract and retain exceptional educators, we are committed to enhancing our compensation packages. Our goal is to align pay more closely with market rates and to recognize the countless hours teachers dedicate beyond the classroom.

Perhaps one of our greatest blessings is the strength of our community.  The partnership we enjoy with our families creates a rich network of support, collaboration, and encouragement that allows our students to thrive academically, spiritually, and socially.  We praise God for the way His Spirit lives and moves in us to create a Christian community that is unique to Twin Oaks Christian School.

Over its 52-year history, Twin Oaks Christian School has experienced many seasons of growth and transformation. I am delighted to share this positive report on the remarkable work God is accomplishing in our community during this time. Your belief in our mission and vision is invaluable. We cherish each student and consider it a privilege to nurture their growth, guiding them to deepen their relationship with God and develop the gifts He has given them.  Thank you for being with us this season.  We look forward to journeying with you into the next! – Julie Cordray, Head of School

From the Eagle’s Nest – Quarter 1 (2024)

It’s hard to believe that last week we wrapped up the first quarter of the school year.  It’s a great time to pause, reflect, and celebrate the growth and accomplishments we’ve seen thus far.  Enjoy these first quarter highlights!

Spiritual Development Through Our Learner Profile:

One of our big initiatives has been to dive into our new Learner Profile because we don’t just want to say we want to grow in our relationship with Christ and each other, we want to live it out!  For the months of September and October both students and staff are learning what it means to be relational.  Here are just a few of many examples of what we’re calling “God’s Kingdom Sightings”–times when we see the Holy Spirit at work in the lives of others.  Students and teachers submitted the ones that follow:

  • One morning a third grade student took time out of his morning recess to walk a PreK student who had scraped his knee to the office to be taken care of.  He was genuinely concerned about his little friend!
  • One student was doubting herself and saying she was bad at writing.  A classmate said, “You’re great at writing!” and it really made her feel better.
  • One of my students talked to me privately to own up to breaking the rules because she didn’t want the wrong person to be blamed.  She put herself aside, thought of her friends and said, “It was me.”
  • “I was playing Legos, and everybody else was playing Uno.  One of the girls quit the game and came to play with me because I was lonely.  My heart grew so much that we became bff!”

It is sweet to see how God is answering our prayers and opening our eyes to the opportunities we have to love one another through godly relationships.

Academic Excellence Through Our Curriculum:

The 18th century scientist Michael Farady once said, “The book of nature which we have to read is written by the finger of God.”  Perhaps no other subject better points to the majesty and glory of God, since it so clearly reveals the beauty and order of His creation.  We are excited that our students are diving into a new, more interactive edition of BJU Press’s science curriculum this year!  Here are some notable features:

  • Students apply science to life by building foundational knowledge and skills with pre-assessments, scaffolded instruction, spiral review, and hands-on activities. 
  • Students have opportunities to observe, classify, measure data, analyze data, make inferences, and communicate their findings. 
  • Students interact with and use models, enabling them to better explain and describe their observations as well as make predictions about scientific principles they’ve learned.
  • Collaborative STEM activities give students opportunities to design, test, and refine engineered solutions to real-world problems.
  • Lessons are designed from a biblical worldview.  
  • Follow this LINK to learn more and see grade level scope and sequences.

Please pray for wisdom and direction for the Curriculum Committee as they review and make recommendations regarding our math curriculum, which is under study this year.

Servant Leadership Through Service Opportunities

In the gospel of Mark, Jesus teaches us that, “. . . the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 20:28).  One of the best things we can teach our students is that it’s not all about them!  God created us to serve, and when we are putting the interests of others ahead of our own, we are living in a way that causes us to flourish.  Did you know. . . 

  • The average Twin Oaks student participates in over 50 service opportunities from preschool through 8th grade?
  • Most students volunteer for classroom duties they are responsible for that help serve their teacher and classmates?
  • Our middle school students deliver and serve lunch to our Early Childhood students on a weekly basis?
  • Our recycling program is carried out by students?
  • Once a year each K-8 class leads at least one chapel for the entire school?

Putting ourselves last isn’t something that comes naturally to us, and we’re thankful that Twin Oaks Christian School is a place where students can hear and apply what God’s Word has to say about developing the heart of a servant.

One of my greatest joys is collaborating with Twin Oaks’ dedicated teachers and staff to create meaningful experiences that deepen your children’s relationship with Christ.  As we enter the second quarter of school, we will continue to seek God’s guidance as He equips us to do His work and to know and love each of our students more deeply.  Serving our students and families is a cherished privilege, and we are grateful for your continued partnership.

From the Eagle’s Nest – Quarter 3 – 2024

A story is told of a first-century rabbi walking home from synagogue where he had been studying.  Deep in thought about the scriptures, he missed a turn and found himself at the gate of a Roman fortress.  The voice of a guard boomed out, “Who are you?  Why are you here?”  The rabbi was so startled he failed to answer.  Once again the guard yelled, “Who are you?  Why are you here?”  This time the rabbi had a reply.  “How much are you paid to ask me these questions?”  “Two drachma,” the guard replied, to which the rabbi responded, “I’ll pay you double if you’ll stand outside my house and ask me those two questions every morning.”  The lesson, of course, is that knowing who we are and why we’re here is essential to living a rich and meaningful life.

It’s also essential to growing a rich and meaningful school life.  Thankfully, our mission is clear:  Twin Oaks Christian School glorifies God by nurturing spiritual development, academic excellence, and servant leadership in an environment where each child is known and loved.

These are not just words to post on our website–they represent a deep commitment we have to our community and to God to be a light for our students in this dark world.  Our mission is so important that we’ve taken steps to actively involve students in declaring it by instituting Mission Mondays.  During announcements each Monday, students and staff alike recite the Twin Oaks mission statement together, fostering a greater awareness of our purpose and inspiring a shared sense of belonging and responsibility.  I’m excited to invite students to embrace and embody our mission and look forward to seeing the fruit God will bear through this tradition.

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From the Eagle’s Nest – Quarter 2 – 2023

Twin Oaks Fall Highlights are Mission Strong!

God rocks!  It’s 100% true.  Now imagine an almost-two-year-old redhead shouting it at the top of her lungs while pumping her tiny fist in the air.  Then it’s 100% true and 100% adorable.  This is a ritual my granddaughter, Eden, and her parents practice at the end of each prayer.  It’s a toddler-sized reminder of a God-sized truth:  He is the best thing ever.

I start with this so that 1. I can talk about my granddaughter and 2. The good mission work we’re about to celebrate together is grounded in the knowledge that God is the source of each one.  Twin Oaks Christian School is stronger than ever and that is a direct result of God’s hand of favor blessing our work and worship.  Let’s magnify Him together as we consider His faithfulness in these fall mission highlights!

Spiritual Development:

Students have really gotten on board with our theme this year—Nurturing an Attitude of Gratitude.  They have filled up our gratitude tree with leaves naming everything from pets, to people, to answered prayer.  It fills up an entire wall and is a vivid visual reminder of the gratitude we owe the Lord for the blessings He has bestowed on us.  Here are a few samples to inspire you:

  • PreK student Jonathan is thankful for his new dinosaur toys.
  • Kindergartener Maverick is thankful for his family.
  • 1st grader Kenna is thankful for her mom and dad.
  • 2nd grader Hadley is thankful for her family, Jesus, her dog, school, and her mom and dad.
  • 3rd grader Penny is grateful for Jesus because He died on the cross for our sins.
  • 4th grader Robbie is thankful for his Nintendo Switch, dog, family, chickens, and God.
  • 5th grader Ashlyn is thankful for family, good food to eat, shelter, and a good school to teach me subjects and more about God.
  • 6th grader Caitlin is thankful to be able to ride horses as a sport.
  • 7th grader Tyson is thankful for family, friends, love, joy, humor, fun, food, and siblings.
  • 8th grader Micah is thankful for the ability to go to Twin Oaks Christian School.

Academic Excellence:

If you peeked into any of our 3rd-8th grade classrooms towards the end of September, you would have seen students working intently to complete their first ERB Milestone Test!  These tests and teacher training have laid the foundation for more consistent, comprehensive assessment for our students.  This is important because it allows teachers to learn and respond to information about the students in their classroom as early in the school year as SeptemberWhat an advantage that gives us when planning an academic course that incorporates the twin elements of optimal student success—high rigor coupled with high support.  This is one of the ways we honor your child’s unique image-bearing in God’s Kingdom.  Our next Milestone test is coming up soon in January.

Students have been benefiting from the richness of our new Core Knowledge History (CKH) curriculum.  Imagine opening a book filled with colorful photos and illustrations to learn about historically accurate accounts of pivotal people and events essential to understanding our nation and world.  CKH exposes students to primary historical sources, project-based activities, and geography lessons that expand their understanding of history.  It provides teachers with opportunities to continue to implement biblical immersion principles as they help students see God’s sovereign hand at work throughout all time.

Servant Leadership:

It’s important for your child to learn that leadership isn’t about gaining power or influence but using whatever power or influence God has given them to serve others.  Our Savior demonstrated this quality over and over during His earthly ministry, and our desire is for our students to become more like Christ in this way.  A few weeks ago, students met in their Crew Groups to brainstorm ways they could serve together.  This Wednesday, they’ll put those plans into action, using their Crew Group time to do everything from making cards that the Honors Choir will deliver when caroling at a local nursing home, to taking over morning announcement duties for me for a day, to raking leaves and cleaning up around the building.  When students have ownership in coming up with ideas to serve, there really is no limit to their creativity and desire to make a difference!

Our servant-minded students also rose to the occasion for our Thanksgiving Food Drive and One Heart Family Ministries Pajama Day!  Twin Oaks collected 1,731 food items and raised $1,130 to help take care of our less fortunate neighbors during this holiday season.  Our 7th & 8th grade Student Council members collected and delivered the food items to The Peace Pantry, where recipients not only receive access to food, but to the nourishing truth of the gospel.

Painting/Flooring Projects:

We’re excited to announce that the downstairs school hallways and our three Early Childhood rooms upstairs will be receiving a fresh coat of paint over Christmas break!  In addition, new flooring will be installed in the Early Childhood classrooms.  We are committed to continuing building improvements so our students can learn in beautiful spaces.  If you’re interested in helping fund some of these larger, ongoing projects so they can be completed more quickly, please contact me for more information.  We want the spaces we inhabit to reflect the quality of the programming we have to offer, and we’re excited to take these first steps toward achieving that goal.

The ability to aim toward and embrace a shared mission is one of the hallmarks of a healthy organization, and I am thankful for our partnership with parents who encourage and support it so fully.  It fills my heart with joy to read back over just a few of the ways God is providing direction and meaning for the students who are part of our community.  By God’s grace, we will continue to boldly pursue His mission for Twin Oaks Christian School so that all of our students will be supported to realize their place in His Kingdom and know that, in words from the mouth of a babe, God rocks!

From the Eagle’s Nest – Quarter 1 – 2023

We’ve only been back at school a little over a month, but already we’re settling into the rhythms of work and worship that define our days at Twin Oaks Christian School. What a joy it is to know that God is sovereign and good, orchestrating circumstances in the life of the school so that we are sanctified and He is glorified.

It’s important that we all understand who we are and where we’re going as a school, so we can pull in the same direction and grow into ever-increasing effectiveness. I thought I would use this first quarter communication to remind us of our school’s mission and to describe the ways in which we’re seeking to faithfully live it out as an entire community.

Our mission is to glorify God by nurturing spiritual development, academic excellence, and servant leadership in an environment where each child is known and loved. It sounds like an amazing pursuit! But what are we doing to fulfill it?

Spiritual Development: Your child’s growth in Christ is our top priority. It doesn’t mean we pause all of the other good things necessary to provide a quality education for a spiritual “time out.” It means all we do is grounded in God’s truth so that everything, from learning math to resolving conflict to hanging out with friends, becomes an opportunity to point them to Christ. Assistant Head of School Chris Rensink has been hard at work preparing professional development for our teachers that will help them identify and take advantage of these opportunities even more. For those of you who didn’t see last week’s social media post on the subject, teachers will be studying the book Beyond Biblical Integration by Roger Erdvig, learning and applying principles designed to immerse students in a biblical worldview throughout their whole day.

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TOCS Faculty Engages in Biblical Integration Study

At Twin Oaks Christian School, we recognize the incredible importance of the teachers in our school community and consider them our strongest asset. Their incredible love for our students and dedication to teaching from a biblical worldview provides a strong foundation for our students. This year, our faculty and staff are diving deep into the book Beyond Biblical Integration by Roger Erdvig, to further develop their worldview and grow in their ability to immerse students in a biblical worldview throughout their whole day.

This book study with our faculty will propel us forward as a school community in living out our mission statement of glorifying God by nurturing spiritual development, academic excellence, and servant leadership in an environment where each student is known and loved. As Jeff Meyers of Summit Ministries says,

“Something exciting happens when we immerse ourselves in a biblical worldview. We realize that deep, biblical thinking is possible in every subject. We find that we can have the mind of Christ. So can our students. It will change all of us. In the past, Christians transformed science, education, the arts, healthcare, human rights, and more. It is time for a new era of innovation – and innovation starts with immersion.”

Staff will be equipped to go further than just teaching from a biblical worldview (often called biblical integration). We will be working to biblically shape the desires of our students, which will impact their actions while living in this world. While graduates of our school are too young to have a fully formed worldview, we can equip them to be aware of their own worldview and be able to process new life experiences in meaningful ways. Students will also be equipped with tools to help them navigate their growing worldview and continue developing that into their teenage years.

In addition to the ongoing monthly trainings and discussions, our faculty and staff will engage in a full-day Christian Deeper Learning workshop in February, in conjunction with this book. Please be praying for our staff as we work through these important concepts while seeking to strengthen our curriculum and programs of study at Twin Oaks Christian School in order to continue providing the best academic and faith foundation for tomorrow’s Christian leaders.

Fifth Graders Participate in Middle School Sneak Peek

This morning, our 5th grade students had the opportunity to visit our Middle School program. They started the day in Robotics class, which was introduced this year in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.  After learning more about the Robotics program, they visited two other core classes. Students also met with Mrs. Cordray and some current 7th and 8th graders, where they were able to ask questions about anything Middle School-related. Capping off the day with a special lunch and Middle School t-shirts, our 5th graders seem excited for what is ahead next year!



Twin Oaks Completes Re-accreditation Process

For a few weeks now, we have been looking forward to sharing some good news with you! Twin Oaks recently completed a year-long re-accreditation process through Christian Schools International (CSI).  Accreditation provides accountability for the work we do to ensure the quality of our program and confirms to parents that their children are receiving an excellent Christian education.

Typically, we submit an annual report that demonstrates how we continue to meet the criteria for CSI accreditation.  However, every five years Twin Oaks Christian School undergoes a more intensive accreditation process that includes a year-long self-study and culminates in a 2 ½ day site visit by an independent team made up of a CSI regional director and other local Christian educators.  

At the end of this past March, this Site Visit Team was on campus in order to make observations and interview key stakeholders including teachers and staff, Board members, parents, students, and church staff.  The purpose of their visit was to establish that Twin Oaks Christian School meets the rigorous criteria for CSI accreditation status and to provide suggestions for ways the school can continue to grow as it lives out its mission.

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Festival of Learning Continues; A Long-Standing TOCS Tradition

On Thursday, April 6, Twin Oaks Christian School hosted our annual Festival of Learning, one of our favorite community gatherings of the year. Each grade level was assigned an area of study, such weather, the human body, planets, science experiments, and much more. The students worked throughout the quarter to research, write, create, and finalize their projects.

During the day, students had the opportunity to visit other classes and learn from their peers, while in the evening, parents and friends came to visit and ask the students questions about their research.

This academic showcase started many years ago at TOCS, and it continues to be an event that students and families look forward to each year.

We are beyond proud of our students and their hard work!

From the Eagle’s Nest – Quarter 3 – 2023

I’ve talked a lot about the significance of this year in the life of Twin Oaks Christian School; it’s our 50th anniversary after all. You may have also heard me mention that Twin Oaks began with prayer. Before there was a building to move into, a board to govern, teachers to teach, or students to fill the hallways, God’s people got down on their knees and prayed to Him to provide all these things. They believed in the value of Christian education, that lives would be transformed. So they made plans and got to work. But first, they prayed.

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