From the Eagle’s Nest – May

Where has this school year gone? It seems the closer we get to the end of the year, the more quickly it rushes towards us! So many wonderful things have happened since the beginning of the school year, and I’m thankful for your grace, patience, and support as I have transitioned into the role as your new Head of School. I pray that we will finish as we have started, filled with the joy, hope, and purpose that the Lord has given us.

Staffing Updates 2022-2023:
As the end of this school year approaches and we begin to look ahead to the next, I have some staffing updates to share with you.

• TLC teacher Laura Quinn will be moving with her family to Cape Town, South Africa at the end of the summer, where they have been called to serve Mission to the World at Cape Town University.
• Bekah Marsh will be leaving her music classroom to devote more time caring for her family and focusing on her graduate studies at Covenant Seminary.
• Julia Bowman will be leaving her TLC classroom to finish her graduate degree in Reading Specialty, to tutor, and to spend more time with her family.
• Mike and Lydia Thebeau will be stepping down from their role as Athletic Directors as their youngest daughter Bailey prepares to graduate from our middle school program this year. Praise God that Jared and Rachel Messer have agreed to step in and pick up the mantle.

I want to thank these outgoing faculty and staff, who have faithfully and sacrificially served Twin Oaks Christian School and who have made knowing and loving our students a top priority. God has used their time here with us to grow and nurture our school, and the good fruit that has come from their service will be enjoyed for years to come. We look forward to what God has in store next, both for them and for Twin Oaks Christian School, knowing that His plan is always good!
I’m excited about some doors that are already opening for these positions to be filled. I came across scripture in the book of Exodus that has inspired my prayers for these open positions. The LORD had commanded Moses to assemble workers to build the tabernacle, which would serve as the Israelites’ place of worship. It was an important work, and God himself called and equipped the exact workers He wanted involved.

Please pray with me, according to Exodus 36:2, “And Moses called Bezalel and Oholiab and every craftsman in whose mind the LORD had put skill, everyone whose heart stirred him up to come to do the work.” I believe what was true of those called to build the tabernacle is also true of each open position here at Twin Oaks-that God already has specific “craftsmen” appointed to fill these roles and continue to carry out the mission of Twin Oaks Christian School with integrity and excellence. I will continue to pray that He will bring them to us.

As we head down the final stretch these last few weeks, may our hearts be filled with gratitude as we realize all the ways God has been present with us this year and how He will continue to abundantly bless Twin Oaks Christian School for all the years to come.

By: Julie Cordray, Head of School

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