Engaging our hearts through worship, enriching our heads with gospel engagement, equipping our hands to bless the world around us by hearing and sharing God’s story.
Engaging our hearts through worship, enriching our heads with gospel engagement, equipping our hands to bless the world around us by hearing and sharing God’s story.
All students from all grades gather together in our beautiful sanctuary to worship the LORD. Our 8th grade Chapel Band leads us in praising Jesus Christ, and then speakers from the school, church, and surrounding community share a message from God’s Word.
Additionally, each class is responsible for leading chapel at least once a year, and they get personal experience in planning a service, formulating a theme, and preparing, practicing, and presenting a message to the other students.
Crew is a time where a small group of students in grades K-8 will meet together once a month during Chapel time for prayer, encouragement and relationship building. This group will stay together over the course of their years at the school, led by a TOCS staff member. The name crew was chosen because it represents the concepts of team and mission. Students are part of a team working together and supporting one another to accomplish a mission. In addition, crew has roots in an old English word for men in the army, as well as an old French term meaning “to grow.” The goal is for all to grow together as they work together to be the people of God together.
Reading God’s Word and then applying Bible study methods to dig deeper into its meaning is a beneficial practice to teach our students. We want students to be informed by the content of scripture, but we also want them to be transformed by experiencing it as living and active, not just another subject in their school day. Read more about Scripture Engagement on our BLOG.
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