A story is told of a first-century rabbi walking home from synagogue where he had been studying. Deep in thought about the scriptures, he missed a turn and found himself at the gate of a Roman fortress. The voice of a guard boomed out, “Who are you? Why are you here?” The rabbi was so startled he failed to answer. Once again the guard yelled, “Who are you? Why are you here?” This time the rabbi had a reply. “How much are you paid to ask me these questions?” “Two drachma,” the guard replied, to which the rabbi responded, “I’ll pay you double if you’ll stand outside my house and ask me those two questions every morning.” The lesson, of course, is that knowing who we are and why we’re here is essential to living a rich and meaningful life.
It’s also essential to growing a rich and meaningful school life. Thankfully, our mission is clear: Twin Oaks Christian School glorifies God by nurturing spiritual development, academic excellence, and servant leadership in an environment where each child is known and loved.
These are not just words to post on our website–they represent a deep commitment we have to our community and to God to be a light for our students in this dark world. Our mission is so important that we’ve taken steps to actively involve students in declaring it by instituting Mission Mondays. During announcements each Monday, students and staff alike recite the Twin Oaks mission statement together, fostering a greater awareness of our purpose and inspiring a shared sense of belonging and responsibility. I’m excited to invite students to embrace and embody our mission and look forward to seeing the fruit God will bear through this tradition.